Dr. Luigi will be arriving for practise in the Wii U e-Shop from 15/01/2014
(yep, tomorrow) - even though it should really have been the 4th of Jan as
originally advertised.
Source: Nintendo UK
The release price of Dr. Luigi will be 14.99 EURO or £13.49 GBP respectively. Hopefully once Dr. Luigi has cured what ails ya, you'll be well enough to attend a Party with Mario and his friends on the 3DS...
And it just so happens not only do we have Dr. Luigi to look forward to this week, but we've also got Mario Party: Island Tour being released in the 3DS eShop on 17/01/2014 for 39.99 EURO or £34.99 GBP. "Whether you're a veteran Mario Party player or a newcomer to the series, Mario Party: Island Tour proves that absolutely anyone can play! Packed with 80 new minigames designed exclusively with portable gameplay in mind and seven unique boards that offer their own distinct challenges, there are so many different ways to play that you'll have a completely new experience each time you pick it up."
Source: Nintendo UK
Which of these two are you most looking forward to? Dr. Luigi is my clear winner here! It'll be a nice change of game after hitting super_mario_3d_world so hard lately.