Super Mario 64 Coin and Star Guide
Nintendo 64

Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64) - Coin & Star Guide

 Course one

The Star 1 - Big Bob-omb on the Summit 
You have to defeat the Big Bob-omb on the top of the mountain to get the first Power Star.

Exert some effort way up to the top of the mountain and speak to the Big Bob-omb. Pick him up from behind, and then toss him onto the ground. Do this two more times to get the Star.

The Star 2 - Foot Race with Koopa the Quick 
You will need to beat Koopa the Quick in a race up to the top of the mountain to get the second Star.

Talk to the Koopa--the large turtle—first and agree to race with him up to the mountaintop. Once the timer begins, follow the same path you took to reach the Big Bob-omb at the top of the mountain. If you don’t cheat and you faster than the Koopa he will give you a Star.  

The Star 3 - Shoot to the Island in the Sky 

Use a Cannon to shoot Mario to the small island that is floating in the sky to get Star 3.

To activate the Cannons, talk to one of the pink Bob-ombs near the entrance of the course. Cross the first wooden bridge, continue forward over the small fence up to the small rock structure with a Cannon hole on top of it. Hop into the hole and aim the Cannon above the small island in the sky then shoot Mario up to it. When you’re on the island, hop into the Yellow Exclamation Block to reveal a Star.

Note: This is just one of numerous ways to reach the island in the sky.

The Star 4 - Find the 8 Red Coins 
To let the Star 4 appear and get it, collect all eight Red Coins scattered throughout the course. You will find six of the Red Coins out in the open, one under the concrete bridge near the large metal gate, and the other one is located on the small island in the sky. After you had collected all eight Red Coins, the Star will emerge near the four wooden posts, where you placed two of the Red Coins.

Details on Red Coin Locations:


  • One is placed above the two moving platforms near the Big Chomp.

  • One is placed on top of a rock in the grassy field.

  • One is placed above the wooden post that the Big Chomp is chained to.

  • One is placed underneath the concrete bridge near the metal gate. (This one is commonly overlooked.)

  • One is placed on the grassy hill near the bottom of the mountain.

  • One is placed on top of a tree that is on the island in the sky.

  • Two are placed next to the four wooden posts in the grassy field.
  • Star 4 will emerge in the middle of the four wooden posts.

The Star 5 - Mario Wings to the Sky 
To collect the five Special Coins located near the island in the sky, you can use the Wing Cap.

After locating the Red Switch Block in the Tower of the Wing Cap, return to Course 1 and go to the small island in the sky. Jump into the Red Exclamation Block to obtain the Wing Cap, then use the Cannon to shoot yourself into the ring of Yellow Coins. Fly through all five rings and collect the Yellow Coin in the center of each ring in order to make a Star appear. The Star is located to the right of where Star 4 appears (near the four wooden posts).

Note: Requiring a good aim and a lot of patience, you can collect this Star without the Wing Cap.

The Star 6 - Behind Big Chomp's Gate 

Big Chomp will help you get the Star 6 if you will release him from the post that he's chained to.

Big Chomp is the large black ball with teeth, go straight to him and hammer down into the ground the wooden post that he is chained to until he is release. The Big Chomp will rush into the gate right behind him and open it to reveal a Star.

The Star 7 - Collect 100 Coins
To obtain a Star, collect at least 100 Coins. 

Using any of the six Star objectives, you can collect 100 coins. We do have some information on where the coins are in this course although we don't have directions to locate the coins.

Coin Breakdown:
Pound the five Wooden Posts = 25 Yellow Coins

8 Red Coins = 16 Yellow Coins

Inside Crates = 9 Yellow Coins

Defeat enemies = 23 Yellow Coins

Pound Koopa = 1 Blue Coin (5 Yellow Coins)

Out in the open = 23 Yellow Coins

In the sky = 45 Yellow Coins

Total Coins possible = 14



Course two

The Star 1 - Chip off Whomp's Block 
You have to defeat the Giant Whomp on top of the Fortress to be able to get the first Star in Course 2,.

Exert some effort way up to the top of the Fortress and crush the large Whomp. Along the way, there are two smaller Whomps that you will encounter, but only the Giant Whomp will show you a Star when defeated.


The Star 2 - To the Top of the Fortress 

After you have defeated the Giant Whomp and have gotten the first Star, work again your way back to the very top of the Fortress, following the same path you did to find the Giant Whomp. Once you’re at the top, you'll notice a new tower has appeared. To obtain a Star, climb to the top of the tower.

The Star 3 - Shoot into the Wild Blue 
To be able to shoot yourself to the small platform that extends out the side of the Castle, use the Cannon.

From where you had started on the course, Double-Jump onto the cement ledge, surrounding the shallow pool of water, then talk to the Pink Bob-omb, which was on the far-left of the water, and tell him to activate the Cannon. Hop into the Cannon, and then shoot yourself onto the ledge underneath the tall flag pole. To locate a Star, drop down the hole.

The Star 4 - Red Coins scattered on the Floating Isle 
Eight Red Coins are scattered throughout the course. Six of these are found on the Fortress and the other two are to be found on the floating islands in the sky. After you had collected all the eight Red Coins, a Star will emerge near the entrance of the course.

Details on Red Coin Locations:

  • One is located above the moving block near the entrance.
  • One is located above the Blue Thwomp near the entrance. (Commonly missed.)
  • One is located behind the sleeping Piranha Plant. 
  • One is located on the narrow ledge between the two sleeping Piranha Plants. 
  • One is located on the gravel hill under the revolving platform. 
  • One is located next to the revolving platform. 
  • Two are located on top of the floating islands in the sky. (These are commonly missed. 

The Star 5 - Fall Onto the Caged Island 
From where you have started on Course 2, hop into the tree and awaken the amicable Owl. Take a grip onto the Owl by holding the A Button down, and then let the Owl carry you above the Fortress. Once you are directly over the caged island, let go of the Owl and drop yourself down onto the Star.

The Star 6 - Blast Away the Wall 
To reveal a Star by shooting Mario inside the Castle, you must use the Cannon.

You should enter the Cannon, and then aim yourself at the top-right corner of the right wall that you can see below the moving wooden platform. To expose the Star, shoot Mario into the wall to break off the corner. Pick on these two option, re-enter the Cannon and shoot yourself into the Star or simply climb up the side of the Fortress and drop yourself down again onto the Star to have it.


Course three

The Star 1 - Plunder in the Sunken Ship 
To collect the Star inside the Sunken Ship, you must raise it out of the water.

This is what you will do to raise the sunken ship, first, swim down into the water to find the ship. A giant Eel is guarding the opening into the ship. Wait for about two minutes, the Eel will swim out of the portal in the ship, allowing you to enter. Once you’re inside the ship, starting with the chest closest to the rear of the ship, open all four chests in a clockwise fashion.

After opening all four chests, the water will disappear; you will now have the chance to reach the Yellow Exclamation Block at the other end of the ship. Hop into the block to get the Star.

The Star 2 - Can the Eel Come Out to Play? 
Plunge into the lake, nearest to the ship and swim deep down into the deeper section of the water until you found the Eel showing its head out of the opening in the seawall. Attract the Eel by swimming in front of it letting it out of its cave, then tactically swim behind the Eel and touch the Star located on its tail.

This seems complicated because the Eel moves in many different directions. Just in case the Eel re-enters the cave, try it again by simply luring it back out of its

Note: Be sure to refill Mario’s air meter while chasing the Eel.

The Star 3 - Treasure of the Ocean Cave 
Swim into the deep section of water and find a cave within the seawall. Go swimming through the cave’s tunnel to reach an isolated dry area with falling pillars. To obtain a Star, follow the path to the end of the cave and open the chests in the correct order.

First, open the chest at the back of the room. Next, open the chest at the left side of the first chest you opened. Third, open the chest located on the far right side of the room, and then open the remaining chest. You will then receive the Star.


The Star 4 - Red Coins on the Ship Afloat 
Eight Red Coins are scattered throughout the course. Four of it can be found underwater inside the clam shells, one is can be found near the Pink Bob-omb, and the other three are located on the Ship. After you have collected all eight Red Coins, the Star will come out on the Ship.

Details on the Red Coin Locations:

  • Four are placed underwater inside the clam shells. (Don't miss these!)

  • One is placed near the Pink Bob-omb.

  • Three are placed on the deck of the Ship.

  • Star 4 will emerge on the deck of the Ship.

The Star 5 - Blast to the Stone Pillar 
Swim into the small rock island near the entrance of the course that has a Cannon hole on it after talking to the Pink Bob-omb. Hop into the Cannon hole, and then shoot Mario onto the top of the far-left stone pillar (of the group of three pillars sticking out of the water). When Mario grabs onto the pillar, let him jump to the ledge, and then jump into the Yellow Exclamation Block to get the Star. Just try again if you miss.

The Star 7 - Collect 100 Coins 
Using any of the six Star objectives, you can collect 100 coins. We don't have the directions to locate the coins but we have some information on where are the coins in this course.

Coin Breakdown:
8 Red Coins = 16 Yellow Coins

Yellow Exclamation Block = 3 Yellow Coins

Defeat Enemies = 3 Yellow Coins

Blue Coin Block 6 Blue Coins = 30 Yellow Coins

Out in the open: Land = 28 Yellow Coins

Out in the open: Water = 24 Yellow Coins

Total Possible Coins = 10




Course four

The Star 1 - Slip Slidin' Away 
Hop on top of the cabin near the entrance of the course, and then enter the chimney. Once your inside, slide down to the bottom of the Snow Slide, now exit through the wooden door and collect the Star.

Note: There is a shortcut that will make things a little easier for you, if you are having difficulties safely reaching the bottom of the slide. You will find the shortcut in the first tunnel you pass through. While sliding inside the tunnel, look for the row of five Yellow Coins that is lined up in the direction of the right wall. Just follow the path into the wall to find a hidden passageway. This shortcut will make it easy for you to get to the end of the slide

The Star 2 - Li'l Penguin Lost 
Climb to the top of the mountain and take the Baby Penguin, and then carry it to the bottom of the mountain. The Star will be rewarded to you if you bring the Baby to its mother.

The Star 3 - Big Penguin Race 
Hop on top of the cabin near the entrance of the course, and then enter the chimney. Once your inside, chat with the Big Penguin and agree to race against him down the Snow Slide. You'll have to defeat him fair and square and he won’t give you the Star if you take the shortcut.

Note: To be able to win, just keep practicing, that is the key. You can practice reaching the bottom of the slide by re-entering the Star 1 objective. To be able go faster down the slide, hold up on the Control Stick and you should avoid touching any of the walls. Try racing the Big Penguin once you've mastered the slide.

The Star 4 - Frosty Slide for 8 Red Coins 
Six of the Red Coins can be found out in the open, one can be found behind the ice column near the center of the mountain, and the other one is to be found at the top of the tram. The Star will appear after you collect all eight Red Coins; it will emerge on the other side of the broken rope bridge near the center of the mountain.

Details on Red Coin Locations:

  • One is placed above the snow covered tree near the entrance of the course.
  • One is placed behind the ice column on the mountainside. (Easily overlooked.)
  • One is placed near the big Snowman at the bottom of the mountain slide.
  • One is placed above the snow covered tree near the Mother Penguin.
  • One is placed on the other side of the wall to the right of the Mother Penguin. (Often missed.)
  • One is placed on the small platform underneath the mountainside.
  • One is placed at the top of the tram.
  • One is placed on the broken rope bridge near the jumping Snowmen.
  • Star 4 will emerge on the other side of the broken rope bridge. 

The Star 5 - Snowman's Lost His Head 
Speak to the Snowman's body located at the top of the mountain, then race with it down the mountainside up to the Snowman's head. If you put Mario to the left of the head, the body will roll into Mario, and then bounce onto the head. The Snowman will give you a Star as a reward for your efforts. 

Notes: The Snowman's Body will only appear if you have collected already the Star 4: Frosty Slide for 8 Red Coins. You cannot take any shortcuts once you begin racing with the Snowman's body. The Snowman's Body will not follow Mario into the Snowman's headif you jump off the mountainside.

The Star 6 - Wall Kicks Will Work 
Climb to the bottom of the mountain and hop into the Cannon near the tram. Then shoot Mario to the tree that's on a secluded ledge underneath the Pink Bob-omb. Just follow the narrow path around the mountainside, and then use the Wall Kick to reach the Star perched high above on an icy platform. 

The Star 7 - Collect 100 Coins 
Using any of the six Star objectives, you can collect 100 coins. We don't have the directions to locate the coins but we have some information on where are the coins in this course.

Coin Breakdown:
Snow Slide = 77 Yellow Coins (includes the 2 Blue Coins)

8 Red Coins = 16 Yellow Coins

Defeat Enemies = 18 Yellow Coins (tackle the snowmen)

Blue Coin Block 2 Blue Coins = 10 Yellow Coins

Out in the open = 33 Yellow Coins

Total Possible Coins = 15




Course five

The Star 1- Go on a Ghost Hunt 
Defeat at least five of the Boo Buddies scattered throughout the Haunted House in order to obtain the Star.

If you hunt on the first floor, you will stumble on two Boo Buddies inside the room at the rear entrance of the house. You will find one in the room with the Spinning Eye enemy and the other one is in the room with the collapsing bridge, you can also find the other one in the room with the black pit.

A Big Boo will appear inside the entrance of the house after defeating five Boo Buddies. Beat down the Big Boo to receive the Star

The Star 2 - Ride Big Boo's Merry-Go-Round 
Come into the wooden shack to the left of the Haunted House. Follow the one-way path to the Merry-Go-Round. Once you’re inside the Merry-Go-Round, beat down five Boo Buddies to make a Big Boo come out, and then defeat the Big Boo to get the Star.

The Star 3 - Secret of the Haunted Books 

Once you’re inside the Haunted House, jump up the stairs all the way to the second floor. Go in the second door to the left, and then follow the path until you arrive at three green books sticking out of a bookcase. Jump into the middle book, right book, and then left book to reveal a hidden passageway that will guide you to the Star.

The Star 4 - Seek the 8 Red Coins 

Scattered throughout the Haunted House are the eight Red Coins. Four of the red coins were located on the first floor and the remaining four were located on the second floor. After collecting all eight Red Coins, the Star will emerge on the second floor of the house where the moonlight shines through the window.

Details on Red Coin Locations:
First Floor:

  • One is placed in the room with the piano.

  • Two are placed in the room with the picture of the Boo Buddy.

  • One is placed in the room with the black pit.

Second Floor:

  • One is placed in the room with the red wire net.

  • Two are placed in the room with the coffins.

  • One is placed in the room with the hidden floor panel.

  • Star 4 will emerge on the second floor where the moonlight shines through the window.

The Star 6 - Eye to Eye in the Secret Room 

To collect the Star, you will need the Vanish Cap.

Take the Vanish Cap on the second floor of the Haunted House, and then enter the room that will lead you to the Big Boo on the balcony.

Before the power of the Vanish Cap wears off, run into the other side of the room and leap through the picture of the Boo Buddy (ghost).

Once you’re inside the secret room, beat down Mr. I (spinning eye) to get the Star.




Course six

The Star 1- Swimming Beast in the Cavern 
Go to the left from the entrance of Course 6 and Long Jump over the pit, then go through the door and work your way up to the top of the hill with the rolling rocks. Go in the door. To travel down to the underground lake, jump on the elevator.

Follow the trail into the water, and then swim onto the back of the Swimming Beast. Stomp on the Beast's back to lower its neck, and then walk up onto its head. The Beast will move you to the island by facing in the direction of the Star. Jump onto the island when you are close enough and collect the Star.

The Star 2 - Elevate for 8 Red Coins 

Jump over the pit, and then enter the door to find the Work Elevator room. To reach the Work Elevator, slide down the pole to the bottom of the room, then go to the bottom-right corner and clamber the steps. To move the elevator around the room, step on the individual arrows.

Eight Red Coins are scattered throughout the Work Elevator room. Three of the Coins are placed within the wooden crates high above and the other five Red Coins can be found by riding the elevator and the moving platforms around the top section of the room. After collecting all the eight Red Coins, the Star will come out on the ground in the center of the room.

The Star 3 - Metal-Head Mario Can Move 

To collect this Star, you'll need the Metal Cap.

Go to the right from the entrance of Course 6. Walk to the left and Long Jump over the pit, and then go through the door and work your way up to the top of the hill with the rolling rocks. Go enter the door, and then jump on the elevator to travel way down to the underground lake.

To obtain the Metal Cap Jump into the Green Exclamation Block, and then quickly go after the brown path through the water until you reach a Purple Exclamation Switch. To open the nearby gate, step on the switch and enter the door. You will find the Star on the other side of two pits. Leap over both pits to collect the Star

The Star 4 -  Navigating the Toxic Maze 
Walk forward to the Green Exclamation Block from the entrance of the Hazy Maze, and then follow the left-hand wall past the mole hole (where you can notice the door that leads you to Star 5) until you arrive at a small dip in the ground.

You will see a wall at the left of the dip in the ground that has some green slime on it. You will notice an opening above the small dip if you will examine the top section of the wall. To go up there, make a Backward Somersault into the opening and enter the door. Just follow the path to the end of room and ride the elevator up to get the Star.

Note: Mario will be protected by the Metal Cap from the toxic gases.

The Star 5 - A-Maze-Ing Emergency Exit 
Walk forward to the Green Exclamation Block from the entrance of the Hazy Maze, and then follow the left wall until you get into a single mole hole. As you are standing on the mole hole, you will be able to glimpse on a small opening in the wall. To go up there, make a Backward Somersault into the opening then enter the door. 

Just follow the path to the end of room and ride the elevator up. When you arrive at the top, walk in the door and you'll find the Star floating above a platform. To be able get to the platform, walk out to the wire net floor, Double Jump up and hold the A Button to grab onto the wire net above. While you are holding the A Button, carefully work your way onto the platform, then drop down (release the A Button) and collect the Star.

Note: Mario will be protected by the Metal Cap from the toxic gases.

The Star 6 - Watch for Rolling Rocks 
Go to the left from the entrance of Course 6, and Long Jump over the pit. Go through the door and work your way up to the top of the hill with the rolling rocks.

You will find two openings in the wall If you will inspect the area above the metal door that leads you to the underground lake. To reach the top right opening, use the Wall Kick technique, and then collect the Star.

Tip: Standing near the wall to the left of the door is the easiest way to reach the top right opening. Run to the right and perform a Side Somersault back towards the left wall. Wall Kick to the right just as you are about to hit the wall and then collect the Star

The Star 7 - Collect 100 Coins 
Using any of the six Star objectives, you can collect 100 coins. We don't have the directions to locate the coins but we have some information on where are the coins in this course.

Coin Breakdown:

8 Red Coins = 16 Yellow Coins

Defeat Enemies = 41 Yellow Coins

Blue Coin Block 7 Blue Coins = 35 Yellow Coins

Out in the open = 46 Yellow Coins

Total Possible Coins = 13


Course seven

The Star 1- Boil the Big Bully 
The Wing Cap makes it easier to you to collect this Star.

Face the opposite direction where you start from the entrance of Course 7. Leap to the small island with the Red Exclamation Block on it. Hop into the block to get the Wing Cap, and then fly to the square island with the Big Bully on it.

Once you are on the island, bump the Big Bully into the lava, and collect the Star on the nearby island.

The Star 2 - Bully the Bullies 

The Wing Cap makes it easier to you to collect this Star.

Face the opposite direction where you start from the entrance of Course 7. Leap to the small island with the Red Exclamation Block on it. Hop into the block to get the Wing Cap, and then fly to the only island with three small Bullies on it.

Once you are on the island, bump all three Bullies into the lava to make a larger Bully come out. Bump the fourth Bully into the lava to collect the Star.

The Star 3 - 8-Coin Puzzle with 15 Pieces 
Face the opposite direction where you start from the entrance of Course 7. Leap to the small island with the Red Exclamation Block on it. Hop into the block to get the Wing Cap, and then fly to the slide puzzle that has a picture of Bowser on it. Once you are on the slide puzzle, carefully collect all eight Red Coins and then collect the Star that emerges next to the puzzle.

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